Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

[N811.Ebook] Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

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Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide To Marketing Analytics And Research Methods, By Ashok Charan When creating can alter your life, when composing can enhance you by supplying much cash, why do not you try it? Are you still extremely confused of where getting the ideas? Do you still have no suggestion with what you are going to compose? Currently, you will certainly require reading Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide To Marketing Analytics And Research Methods, By Ashok Charan An excellent author is a good reader at once. You can define exactly how you compose depending on exactly what books to review. This Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide To Marketing Analytics And Research Methods, By Ashok Charan could help you to fix the trouble. It can be among the best sources to develop your writing ability.

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Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan

The digital age has transformed the very nature of marketing. Armed with smartphones, tablets, PCs and smart TVs, consumers are increasingly hanging out on the internet. Cyberspace has changed the way they communicate, and the way they shop and buy. This fluid, de-centralized and multidirectional medium is changing the way brands engage with consumers. At the same time, technology and innovation, coupled with the explosion of business data, has fundamentally altered the manner we collect, process, analyse and disseminate market intelligence. The increased volume, variety and velocity of information enables marketers to respond with much greater speed, to changes in the marketplace. Market intelligence is timelier, less expensive, and more accurate and actionable. Anchored in this age of transformations, Marketing Analytics is a practitioner's guide to marketing management in the 21st century. The text devotes considerable attention to the way market analytic techniques and market research processes are being refined and re-engineered. Written by a marketing veteran, it is intended to guide marketers as they craft market strategies, and execute their day to day tasks.

  • Sales Rank: #1718673 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .90" w x 6.00" l, 1.80 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 720 pages

From the Inside Flap
The digital age has transformed the very nature of marketing. Armed with digital devices, consumers are increasingly hanging out on the internet. Cyberspace has changed the way they communicate, and the way they shop and buy. This fluid, de-centralized and multidirectional medium is changing the way brands engage with consumers.

At the same time, technology and innovation, coupled with the explosion of business data, has fundamentally altered the manner we collect, process, analyse and disseminate market intelligence. The increased volume, variety and velocity of information enables marketers to respond with much greater speed, to changes in the marketplace. Market intelligence is timelier, less expensive, and more accurate and actionable.

Anchored in this age of transformations, Marketing Analytics devotes considerable attention to the way market analytic techniques and market research processes are being refined and re-engineered. The book is tailored to meet the needs of marketing professionals as it focusses on market research methods and analytic techniques used by practitioners for refining marketing strategies, and taking day-to-day business decisions. It is ideal too for business management students who wish to pursue careers in consumer marketing.

About the Author
Ashok Charan is Associate Professor at the NUS Business School, National University of Singapore.

Ashok has experience in general management, marketing, corporate planning, business development and market research. His 25 years' industry experience cuts across Nielsen, Hindustan Unilever and Wipro. At Nielsen, he assumed a number of roles including Managing Director for Singapore and Regional Area Client Director — Asia Pacific.

Ashok joined the NUS Business School on a full time basis in 2009. He currently teaches marketing courses for Executive MBA, MBA and BBA Honours.

He has worked with a wide range of clients spanning many business sectors, and he remains active in consulting in the areas of market research, analytics, data integration, and customer satisfaction research.

Ashok is a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and a post-graduate in Business Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.

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Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan PDF
Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan EPub
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[N811.Ebook] Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan Doc

[N811.Ebook] Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan Doc
[N811.Ebook] Ebook Marketing Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Marketing Analytics and Research Methods, by Ashok Charan Doc

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

[E969.Ebook] Ebook Free The Complete Guide to Evernote: Including Tips, Tutorials and other Evernote Essentials!, by David Garcia

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The Complete Guide to Evernote: Including Tips, Tutorials and other Evernote Essentials!, by David Garcia

The Complete Guide to Evernote: Including Tips, Tutorials and other Evernote Essentials!

Do you have a hard time keeping track of notes, emails, receipts, and all of your great ideas? Here's some news for you, we all do!

Before there was Evernote your only option was to keep everything on paper and HOPE it didn't get lost in the sea of other information you had stored away. But now thanks to Evernote you can store all of your images, notes, receipts and ideas in a flash and pull them up in a second without the frustration of digging through documents.

The Evernote Guide is designed for both beginners and advanced Evernote users providing them with tutorials, strategies, tips, and Evernote essentials to maximize your time and productivity. It tackles the two biggest issues that Evernote users face: what is Evernote, and how can I use it effectively?

Inside, you'll see:

  • What Evernote is really about

  • Amazing ways to get creative with Evernote

  • How to use the Mobile, Mac, and Windows edition of the software

  • How to pull up your data in a flash

  • How to incorporate Evernote with Facebook, Twitter, and blogs

  • The best methods to share your notes with others

  • How to tailor the Evernote interface to your needs

  • The best tagging methods


  • Sales Rank: #574270 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-02-17
  • Released on: 2013-02-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"I was so confused with Evernote when I first got the app, it just had so many functions such as notes, and pictures. But this book definitely take me step by step to understanding it. Highly recommended!" - Adam R.

"A friend of mine told me about Evernote so I downloaded the software to my computer. For a long time, I had no idea how to use this program so I searched amazon and came across this fantastic guide which has made my life so much easier. David did a fantastic job of describing everything I needed to know in order to best utilize Evernote and now I feel like I'm an expert." - Angelo

"Well edited and clear explanations.
Evernote makes more sense to me now.
I appreciate the attention to detail and directions.
Recommended for those who use Evernote a bit but want it use it better." - Donald Giannatti

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Quick fly by
By Toje
This is not an in depth review of Evernote only a very quick introduction important features. This is not a how to manual.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
By Amazon Customer
mainly a repeat of info on evernote website. not really worth the money. better ideas available elsewhere such as the 2 hour guide.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
By Carbon Biker
Evernote has been around a while, at least as far as the myriad other "notebook" apps are concerned. It was not all that easy to navigate and figure out though, so I bypassed it initially. However, at an entrepreneur's weekend, Evernote comments were cropping up on occasion, so I decided to try it and evaluate more of the capabilities I heard about but couldn't figure out. This book (Kindle version) was the entry material I needed to see to get into Evernote. 10 days later, Evernote is all I use.

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Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

[H617.Ebook] Fee Download Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

Fee Download Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

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Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

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Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung

This book is for agriculturists, many of whom are either novices or non-computer programmers, about how they can build their mathematical models in Microsoft Excel. Of all modeling platforms, spreadsheets like Excel require the least proficiency in computer programming. This book introduces an Excel add-in called BuildIt (available for free as download) that shields users from having to use Excel's VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming language and yet allows agriculturists to build simple to large complex models without having to learn complicated computer programming techniques or to use sophisticated Excel techniques. This book first discusses how BuildIt works and how it is used to build models. Examples range from the simple to progressively more complex mathematical models. Ultimately, readers are taught how to build a generic crop growth model from its five core components: meteorology, canopy photosynthesis, energy balance, soil water, and crop growth development. Ultimately, agriculturists will be able to build their own mathematical models in Excel and concentrate more on the science and mathematics of their modeling work rather than being distracted by the intricacies of computer programming.

  • Sales Rank: #4248480 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .73" w x 5.51" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 352 pages

From the Author
Download the BuildIt add-in (free) and Excel examples from this book at: christopherteh.com/buildit/index.html

About the Author
Christopher Teh Boon Sung is a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Uni. Putra Malaysia. He has published two books and has over 40 journal papers and 90 proceeding papers. In 2011, he won the Bronze Medal Award for teaching excellence from his university. 

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[H617.Ebook] Fee Download Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung Doc

[H617.Ebook] Fee Download Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung Doc
[H617.Ebook] Fee Download Building Mathematical Models in Excel: A Guide for Agriculturists, by Christopher Teh Boon Sung Doc

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

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Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev

Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev

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Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev

"Goofballery!" "Lot's of laughs!!"Just off kilter!" "Fun!" // PERFECT FOR AGES 8 TO 14 In the near future the world is coming to an end. What’s fourteen-year-old Nick and his friends to do? Escape through time to a fantastic moon populated by Merfolk of course. When Nick finds wealthy shoppers stepping over the body of his dying refugee friend, Jermaine, on the way to their next shoe sale, he decides that it’s time to leave Earth, and his friends are going with him. Nick’s grandfather, Grand, offers a way to realize this dream by taking him to the moon, but there’s a catch. Grand’s moon is in the past; it's teeming with magical creatures, and its merfolk believe that Nick will save them from the thousand-eyed monsters haunting their fortresses. To save his refugee friends, Nick must choose the better world: A future Earth filled with genetic viruses and malicious nannydrones, or a fantastic moon in the past inhabited by blood thirsty gorgons, man-eating pirate ships, and fire-breathing winged lions. The future or the fantastic? Their lives are in Nick's hands. Nikolas and Company: The Merman and The Moon Forgotten, follows Nick’s boisterous and heart-felt journey as he seeks to save his friends. If "The Doctor" took The Goonies on an adventure to a fantastic version of the moon, you'd get Nikolas and Company. If your kids have their nose in The Maze Runner by James Dashner, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, Alex Ryder by Anthony Horowitz, Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney, Lemony Snicket, Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Giver by Lois Lowery, Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkein, Eragon by Chris Paolini, 39 Clues, Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja by Marcus Emerson, or other middle grade fantasy adventures, they’ll love this! Preteen Fantasy, Fairy Tale, Free Fantasy Books for Kids, Books for Middle School Kids, Free Young Adult Books, Adventure Books for Kids 10-13, Free Fantasy Fiction for Kids 9-12, Free Kindle Books for Kids 9-12, free books for kids, free ebooks for kids, free ebooks for teens, free teen books, free kids books, free fantasy fiction

  • Sales Rank: #3198838 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .61" w x 5.00" l, .59 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 242 pages

About the Author
Kevin McGill is the mad writer of the Nikolas & Company series where the Moon is much more than we think, mermen walk on automaton legs, and 14-year-old boys talk to cities in their heads. Find Kevin’s blog overthewoodfence.wordpress.com and Twitter @kevinonpaper

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Great Story
By A Customer
This is a really enjoyable fantasy story, its fast paced, action packed, and funny! I can not wait for the next one to come out! This story will not disappoint.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A Very Fun Read! :)
By Amazon Customer
I have just got to say that I love this book! It was a great beginning, at first I was confused but as soon as the chips began falling into place I was all in.

The twists and turns that I see coming up in the other episodes just make me so happy. And there is ALWAYS something going on, never a dull moment. No one likes an adventure book where we spend the majority of it just waiting. We need conflict and surprises and Kevin seems like he's willing to supply both, and lots of them too.

This episode ended at such a great place and I just can't wait to get my hands on the next one! :)

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Merman and the Moon Forgotten-Great Book
By Dara Jones
Kevin Mcgill has created a a plausible alternate earth with fascinating characters that kept me on the edge of my seat. This first episode of his serial is definitely a page turner and highly recommended.

See all 61 customer reviews...

Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev PDF
Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev EPub
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[P543.Ebook] PDF Download Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev Doc

[P543.Ebook] PDF Download Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev Doc
[P543.Ebook] PDF Download Nikolas and Company Book 1: The Merman and the Moon Forgotten Young Adult Teen Childrens Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure (Volume 1), by Kev Doc

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

[X605.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

Get Free Ebook Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

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Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

Get Free Ebook Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

Visual Guide To ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), By David J. Abner As a matter of fact, book is truly a home window to the world. Even lots of people could not like reviewing books; the books will still give the precise details regarding reality, fiction, encounter, adventure, politic, religion, and more. We are right here a site that offers compilations of books greater than guide store. Why? We provide you lots of numbers of connect to obtain guide Visual Guide To ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), By David J. Abner On is as you need this Visual Guide To ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), By David J. Abner You could discover this publication effortlessly here.

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Visual Guide to ETFs (Bloomberg Financial), by David J. Abner

A visual guide to one of the fastest growing areas in trading and speculation

An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)—a security that tracks an index, a commodity, or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange—offers diversification of an index fund, as well as the ability to sell short, buy on margin, and purchase as little as one share. Giving financial advisors, institutional asset managers, traders, and other investment professionals the information they need to get the most out of ETF opportunities, the Bloomberg Visual Guide to ETFs covers the subject in a highly visual manner.

Starting with an introduction to ETFs, the book looks at where they fit within the world of investment products, how they are structurally differentiated from other products and among themselves, relevant tax considerations, global listings, growth on a global basis, evolution of the product set, and other topics. Also looking towards the future, the text provides information on finding ETFs—including fund searches, fund news, measuring and valuing ETFs, evaluating their correlation to the underlying sector or commodity being tracked, and more. As a result, the book is a resource not just for understanding ETFs today, but for taking advantage of what's to come.

  • Presents critical information in an easy-to-absorb visual manner
  • Serves as a reference, presenting information in easily digestible pieces for easy access
  • Author David Abner is a well-known ETF developer expert
  • Incorporates quizzes, charts, and other accessible features to bring the material to life

ETFs are multivarious, complex instruments that offer unique rewards, and the Bloomberg Visual Guide to ETFs brings together everything that people working with them need to understand to cash in.

  • Sales Rank: #890734 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-01-28
  • Released on: 2013-01-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover

Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guide to ETFs

A comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals of ETFs, the Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guide to ETFs is designed to help you get the most out of ETF opportunities in a simple, highly visual manner.

Starting with an introduction to ETFs, the book looks at where they fit within the world of investment products, how they are structurally differentiated from other products and among themselves, relevant tax considerations, global listings, growth on a global basis, evolution of the product set, and more. Heavily illustrated throughout with charts and other visual aids that highlight the concepts covered, the book brings the information you need on ETFs vividly to life.

Designed to help financial advisors, institutional asset managers, and professional traders, the Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guide to ETFs gives you a full understanding of ETFs, including: how ETF portfolios work, the short interest of ETFs, trading and liquidity in ETF markets, how they relate to the "Flash Crash" of 2010, how to execute orders, and various trading strategies.

Also looking towards the future, the book provides information on finding ETFs—including fund searches, fund news, measuring and valuing ETFs, evaluating their correlation to the underlying sector or commodity being tracked, and much more. As a result, it serves as a resource not just for understanding ETFs today, but for taking advantage of what's to come.

The Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guides cover today's most relevant finance and trading topics in a comprehensive, yet easy-to-follow style. The content is presented in the most visual of manners thus bringing to life key concepts for finance professionals and truly lives up to the series name by examining concepts in a highly visual way—all charts are in color and presented in a large format for ease of use. Other strong visual attributes include consistent elements that function as additional learning aids for the reader, such as: Key Points, Definitions, Step-by-Step, Do It Yourself, and Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guide functionality.

And for e-reader users, the Bloomberg Financial Series Visual Guides are available as enhanced e-books offering special features, like a Test Yourself section where you can test your newly honed knowledge and skills. The enhanced e-book versions also include video tutorials and special pop-up features. They can be purchased wherever e-books are sold.

About the Author

David J. Abner currently heads Capital Markets for WisdomTree Asset Management, an ETF issuer based in New York. In his twenty years in finance, he has been managing director at both BNP Paribas and Bear Stearns, building and managing ETF sales and trading businesses. Abner travels around the U.S. and the world, advising institutions and asset managers on how best to build and trade ETF portfolios. He is passionate about the future of the ETF industry and continues to develop more efficient systems and techniques for ETF investors.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A User Friendly ETF Resource For Amateurs & Pros
By Christian Magoon
I have spent the last month reading and using the Visual Guide to ETFs. The book is a valuable and user friendly resource on ETFs.

Author David Abner did a commendable job of balancing the accessibility of the material so that amateurs and professionals can gather value from it. Don't know what an ETF is or how it differs from a mutual fund or closed-end fund? This book has you covered. Need detailed instructions on using Bloomberg or other third party resources to perform individual ETF analysis? The book will guide you through the process.

Besides being accessible to all types of experience levels, another strength of the book is its format. As the title suggests, the Visual Guide to ETFs provides a healthy balance between the written and visual presentation of ETF knowledge. A reader may read the book traditionally, just use the illustrations and screenshots or combine the two in a multi layered approach - it's a custom experience for each reader. I found this presentation approach refreshing and a helpful way to reinforce concepts that may be best explained in more than one format. (i.e. written and visual)

The Visual Guide to ETFs is an informative and a useful ongoing reference for those interested in ETFs. I would recommend this engaging book to amateurs and professionals.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Technically oriented and not for beginners
By T. Cantu
This is an excellent book for those in the ETF industry. It is definitely not for the common ETF investor looking to build a portfolio of ETFs. There are a lot of technical trading language and terms which the common person will not understand. The book is thorough in discussing the trading aspect of ETFs and recommend it for ETF portfolio managers.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great ETF Reference Guide
By Dana Martin
Dave Abner proves yet again that he is one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the ETF industry with his second book on ETFs. As an industry veteran, he has told the ETF story over and over again for institutional clients around the world. This is proven in his new book, as Abner does a great job of simplifying and explaining some complex concepts in the ETF industry that some of the largest institutions down to individual investors have been asking about for years. Concepts such as the Flash Crash, short interest, creation/redemption and ETF settlement.

As a trader in the ETF industry, I have used the book as not only a reference for myself, but for my institutional clients to go through and further their understanding of the ETF market. It has also been extremely helpful in training new employees not only in the ETF space, but how to utilize Bloomberg in their everyday tasks.

See all 4 customer reviews...

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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

[A409.Ebook] PDF Ebook Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

PDF Ebook Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Part 1 - The Half-Dead City, by Jim Groves

— The Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path begins with “The Half-Dead City,” an exciting new adventure in the pyramid-laden realm of Osirion, Land of Pharaohs! In the city of Wati, the church of Pharasma holds a lottery allowing explorers to delve the tombs of the city’s vast necropolis in search of the nation’s lost glories. In the course of investigating dusty tombs and fighting their ancient guardians and devious traps, the heroes encounter a group of rival adventurers intent on keeping one tomb’s treasures for themselves. At the same time, the heroes learn that a dangerous artifact has been stolen from the tomb. Can the adventurers defeat their rivals, or will they fall to the undead defenders of the city’s necropolis?

— This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path and includes:
•“The Half-Dead City,” a Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Jim Groves.
•A double-sized gazetteer of Wati exploring both parts of this vibrant city dedicated to the dead, by Crystal Frasier.
•A rough welcome to Wati in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Amber E. Scott.
•Five dangerous new monsters, by Jim Groves, Will McCardell, and Michael McCarthy.

  • Sales Rank: #356807 in Books
  • Brand: Paizo Publishing
  • Published on: 2014-04-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x .20" w x 8.20" l, 2.70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 96 pages
  • Item Weight - 0.69 lbs.
  • Package Quantity: 1
  • Excellent Quality.
  • Great Gift Idea.
  • Satisfaction Ensured.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A solid first installment to an Adventure Path. Since ...
By Harry L. Thompson Jr.
A solid first installment to an Adventure Path. Since many of my players are new to the game, the basic dungeon-delving and smallish cast of NPCs provides several teaching opportunities. None of the locations are overly tricky or complicated, and most of the monsters are exotic and interesting. I look forward to completing this installment of the path and moving into some of the more juicy bits of the story.

There is enough information here to make the start of this path more compelling for experienced players.

I'd suggest that players look through the player's guide over on Paizo so that they can build appropriate characters and get some background on what they will be doing.

The book itself is rather flimsy - it fell apart while I was reading through it, never mind when it started seeing use at the table.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Good content, crap packaging
By Faost B.
I'm really enjoying the detail they went with in this module, the gazetteer at the end regarding the city of Wati is surprisingly full of depth and fluff. Unfortunately, the binding is terrible, with pages coming off the spine after what was likely my second read-through. Taking a star away because I'm going to have to pay more to have this thing spiral bound.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great Stuff
By Time Keeper
First, I want to state that I am a huge fan of Adventure Path (AP) books.
Take special note: This is the first book in the campaign series of Mummy's Mask.

This is a well written and very fluid AP.
The AP uses varying types of mobs, traps and even haunts. Very awesome.
I don't really have very many cons about this book in particular.

Perhaps it is user error, but my copy of the book began to fall apart after the 3rd or 4th use.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

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Senin, 10 Maret 2014

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Orthopaedic Basic Science: Biology and Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System:2nd (Second) edition, by Sheldon R. Simon (Editor) Josep

Orthopaedic Basic Science: Biology and Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System:2nd (Second) edition, by Sheldon R. Simon (Editor) Josep

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Orthopaedic Basic Science: Biology and Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System:2nd (Second) edition, by Sheldon R. Simon (Editor) Josep

  • Sales Rank: #3655740 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-09-28
  • Number of items: 2
  • Binding: Paperback

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Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

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Making the World Modern: An Interpretation, by CORDILEONE  DIANA JANE

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Making the World Modern: An Interpretation, by CORDILEONE  DIANA JANE

Making the World Modern: an interpretation is a survey of world history that emphasizes the "rise of Europe" since 1500 in the contexts of globalization and modernization. The recently-releasedMaking the World Modern by Diana Reynolds Cordileone (Point Loma Nazarene University) considers the unusual and rapid growth of the relatively inconsequential Europe to a commanding role in world affairs. The publication then assesses the consequences of that growth in the shaping of imperialism and colonialism in the late nineteenth century. Making the World Modern: an interpretation interprets the historical origins of present-day issues such as consumerism, wealth inequality, human rights, and terrorism within the context of both universal hopes for humanity and the local legacies of globalized capitalism. Designed for today's students, Making the World Modern includes reader-friendly pedagogical features such as figures, diagrams, key words and endnotes/references throughout

  • Sales Rank: #1620280 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-03
  • Original language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 250 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
C makes learning history fun with this textbook
By Morgan Pearce
Dr. C makes learning history fun with this textbook! She tells the story instead of just telling the facts. I also appreciate that it is a cheaper textbook option. (who needs colored pictures anyways?) She writes in a way that is easy to read, and is interesting at times! I highly recommend this textbook to learn world history. It is more than just a compilation of facts.

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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

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  • Published on: 1900
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

[O944.Ebook] Ebook Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

Ebook Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

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Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

Ebook Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

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Happy Mealtimes for Kids: A Guide To Making Healthy Meals That Children Love, by Cathy Glass

Number 1 best-selling author, Cathy Glass, shares her experience and expertise gained across 25 years as a foster carer in this accessible and practical guide to establishing healthy and happy mealtimes.

As well as bringing up three of her own children, Cathy Glass has had to radically improve the diets of most of the seventy-five children she has fostered – encouraging them to eat more healthily and helping them to understand the importance of mealtimes. As a result Cathy has become very good at producing simple but wholesome meals that appeal to children of all ages – here for the first time she shares her knowledge.

Children with bad diets are often under or over weight, short in stature, with dull skin and hair, they can lack energy and often have difficulties concentrating. Cathy will help to explain what constitutes a bad diet and why foods heavy in sugar, fat and salt should be limited. She will explore the effect a poor diet and food additives can have on a child’s behaviour and intelligence. Most importantly, she will suggest quick, easy and straightforward ways of making a difference.

From how to establish routines to what to feed your children for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the importance of mealtimes for family bonding to the impact of the recent UK legislation governing school dinners, Cathy has compiled a comprehensive yet accessible guide to all you need to know about producing healthy and happy family mealtimes.

  • Sales Rank: #2044059 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-09-13
  • Released on: 2015-02-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.75" h x 5.00" w x .50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages

About the Author

Cathy has been a foster carer for over 20 years, during which time she has looked after more than 75 children, of all ages and backgrounds. Cathy runs training courses on fostering for her local Social Services, and helps draft new fostering procedures and guidelines. She has three teenage children of her own; one of whom was adopted after a long-term foster placement. The name Cathy Glass is a pseudonym.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great recipes for healthy meals
By Bill
Another excellent book in the "Happy" series. Easy to follow recipes for healthy, nourishing meals suitable not just for children but for the elderly too! Like all Cathy's books the clear writing style makes them a joy to read and I shall certainly be recommending this book to friends and colleagues.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Healthy enjoyable meals
By Robert
Easy to prepare, healthy meals for kids. The recipes are straightforward to produce using easily obtainable ingredients. Although the book was written with kids in mind, I find that the recipes are great for adults too.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Sensible choices
By Lisa K. Mitchell
With the level of obesity rising and diabetes out of control this book should be in every home.
The reader is sure to benefit from good information on sensible healthy eating for Kids.
Quick easy recipes too.

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