Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

[A626.Ebook] Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

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How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

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How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre

Husbands wishing to be spanked by their wives. Really spanked and to atone for your misdeeds. Have your wife read this! As well put a paddle by their side as they do! Yes, hand them a kindle with first page open and this book! If your wife does the next sentence. Well I would sit on the pillow while she Reads the rest!
Wives no time like present. He wants a few swats have him bend over and give him 3 big swats. Then put a pillow on the floor and point to it! If he speaks say “Quite or I will stop reading and this will be done!”

This is really a tough subject matter, and can encompass so many aspects of; sexual desires, self improvement, fantasy, dream world and more. I must start this by saying; if you are not seeking true discipline then this is not the place for you. I will discuss light bdsm, and the fantasy that might have brought you here. Overall though it will end with a new reality of PAIN, and CHANGE! Some husbands are looking around on the web for fantasy spankings. I assure you there is nothing fantasy about what is to follow. This is a short manual on true in home corporal punishment. Bottoms will be deep hues of purple when done. This book will help your spouse understand why domestic discipline should be a part of your life! It will also explain why taking it to a true corporal punishment is so important. This information is directed at punishing the male in the house. Not for punishing the wife this is about more of a FLR (a female lead relationship).
Some husbands will seek out and receive spankings. Not just spankings but truly severe punishment. This will be against the belief of most humans. That a person will go out of their way to receive such treatment is inconceivable to some. It is on the other hand not that un-usual, in the history of mankind, it has a deep rooted context. Monks and others have self whipped for centuries. They find enlightenment and a level of mental satisfaction like no other from this practice. Before you reach out and call this behavior obscene or purely sexual do some homework. The subject matter is pretty well documented, through the history of man. Some say for a spouse to deliver such is controlling. Some say that to control someone, is truly not possible.

  • Sales Rank: #60762 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-05-09
  • Released on: 2013-05-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
If more women would read this book there would be a lot less marriage breakups!
By fbrets
I married smart women, some thirty years ago, Christmas, kids a stressful project at work, I was being a SOB. "Wife stops and says" Kids wait here, I need to take care of your father, we are going up stairs, ; I am think big fight, when we get to the bedroom; "wife says" Pull down your pants you are getting the hairbrush. Short story, I could not talk her out of it, it was the triple darn, "wife says" you are not man enough to take it. She lights me up!

It was all gone; when that pains outside equals the pain of the stress inside you it disappears. I was a new loving husband, no more did I needing that drink after work, no more freaking out if something went wrong with the project in work, a clear head, and a sore butt that lasted for about a week and than some!

A women need to understand it is not just about the man but the boy inside him. I truly believe it is in our genes. We have a twin 5 year old boy and girl grandchildren, and yes we have to watch them! The girl, the time out thing works, the boy, maybe it is the need to challenge authority but he loves to push my wife's buttons till she whacks his butt, then he is ok! I don't know, you can take your pick, need of structure, has to challenge authority or asking for attention, or a desire for corporal punishment but there is that mischief child inside us, ("Which by the way means end badly") that bad boy inside us that has to play till someone corrects us, except when we do it as men we do really stupid things!

So, what if no one stops us?

For me it is like having a toothache and knowing you need root canal and hoping you can find a dentist to take care of it, either you pull it out yourself or you do something really stupid like drinking, cheating!
Yes I have been there, looking and even trying to find ways to hurt myself. That stress, guilt, it hurts!

To me it is akin to therapy.

To add to the author book, his suggestion is making a list, you cross that line and you get it. That means the bad child has to cross that line. Not to mention it is kind of fun toeing that line! It is that child inside you!

Our solution was if it got that bad for me I would simply take the brush out of hiding and put it where she could see it. If it disappeared I knew she agreed. If she on the other hand took it out it was a warning and if I didn't put it away, that it was my way of saying I agreed otherwise I heeded her warning. There where time I would put it way and it showed up the next day, I knew I was not getting out of it!

Part of the process is that feeling of having to go for that root canal and waiting in the waiting room to be next, waiting till that day came was a little game she enjoyed playing.

Understand it wasn't like you did this every month perhaps a couple times a year. Plus there were also those two or three shots that came as warnings.

Now long we have been together, 40 years!

To all women, you fell in love with not only the adult in us but with that child as well.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By James Kent
Very well written.

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
love it
By Amazon Customer
Told it like it is. My wvife wont spank me no ma ttevr how hacrd I try to get her to. Hopefully this book will hevlp

See all 4 customer reviews...

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[A626.Ebook] Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre Doc

[A626.Ebook] Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre Doc

[A626.Ebook] Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre Doc
[A626.Ebook] Fee Download How to Have Your Wife Use Domestic Discipline on Husband, or Hard Spanking, by David Xzenre Doc

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