Jumat, 14 November 2014

[Q734.Ebook] PDF Download America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

PDF Download America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

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America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

PDF Download America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

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America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin

In America's Revolution, Patrick Griffin offers a new interpretation, narrative, and historical synthesis of America's most formative period. Exploring the American Revolution from global, Atlantic, and continental perspectives, Griffin focuses on how men and women in local contexts struggled to imagine new ideas of sovereignty as British authority collapsed. He examines the relationship between ideas and social tensions, the War of Independence, the roles of the founders, and the struggles and triumphs of those on the margins. Griffin illustrates how, between 1763 and 1800, Americans moved from one mythic conception of who they were to a very different one, a change that was evident in word and in image. America's Revolution captures these dynamics by exploring origins and outcomes--as well as the violent, uncertain, and liberating process of revolution--that bridged the two.

  • Sales Rank: #738306 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Oxford University Press, USA
  • Published on: 2012-08-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.10" h x 1.00" w x 9.20" l, 1.05 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 360 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition


"Griffin addresses a dazzling array of topics, and the numerous strengths of his synthesis cannot be summarized in a brief review... a lively, important work that readers will most likely find exhilarating." --The Journal of American History

"Patrick Griffin provides a masterful account of the American Revolution. He weaves the experiences of ordinary people into a compelling narrative of political change. The book not only recovers the voices of winners and losers, patriots and loyalists, planters and slaves, and Native Americans and frontier settlers, but also offers original insights into how Americans defined and redefined the power of the state in their daily lives."--T.H. Breen, Northwestern University

"Patrick Griffin's group portraits of the men and women who made the Revolution show that the transformation of British subjects into American citizens did not follow a preordained script. As British sovereignty collapsed, patriots sought to rally their self-sovereign, would-be countrymen to the cause of independence. The tortuous quest for the reconstruction of sovereignty shaped an emerging American identity that justified-and disguised-a new distribution of power and a new, more democratic yet more exclusionary social order. The picture that Griffin presents is not always a pretty one. But America's Revolution gives us a much better sense of how we got to be who we are today than do the simplistic, quasi-mythic narratives of our beginnings, whether celebratory or critical, that continue to shape our national self-understanding."--Peter S. Onuf, University of Virginia

"In this boldly argued and wide-ranging history of the origins of the U.S., Patrick Griffin takes familiar stories about the expansion of liberty and transforms them into unfamiliar stories about the expansion of state power. America's Revolution, he suggests, was less about collective resistance to entrenched authority than the establishment of effective imperial authority in eastern North America."--Andrew Cayton, Miami University

"Imaginatively framed and vividly conveyed, America's Revolution offers a compelling account of the processes by which America achieved nationhood and the myths and ambiguities its national story requires."--Peter Thompson, University of Oxford

"Better than any previous text I can call to mind, Griffin weaves together a narrative of the Revolutionary Era with the British background, the struggles of different groups of Americans, and some deep thinking about the nature of authority. Griffin offers a great deal of fresh thinking about the period, and has written a book that is comprehensive, insightful, and deeply satisfying."--Ben Carp, Tufts University

About the Author

Patrick Griffin is Madden-Hennebry Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of American Leviathan: Empire, Nation, and Revolutionary Frontier (2008) and The People with No Name: Ireland's Ulster Scots, America's Scots Irish, and the Creation of a British Atlantic World (2001).

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Devon M
Could this book be any more dry? This was used for an Early American History course I was taking where we read a wide variety of books like Griffin's America's Revolution. This one stood out for all the wrong reasons. It drones on and on. As a class, we agreed that we did not like it, but we couldn't put our finger on it. After we discussed the content of the book, our professor (an EAH historian) admitted that he did not find the book particularly compelling either... That being said, the book has a lot of great information, just presented in a very boring fashion.

0 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
America's Revolution
By Miss Willie
This is an excellent book and it gives you in debt details and I like the cover the he provided for this book. So keep up the good work Patrick and many more to come.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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[Q734.Ebook] PDF Download America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin Doc
[Q734.Ebook] PDF Download America's Revolution, by Patrick Griffin Doc

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